Continuing with our self-injection series, Dr. Farrell teaches us how to inject Stelara. Stelara, also known as ustekinumab, is a biologic medication designed to block interleukin-12 and interleukin-23. Stelara is currently FDA approved for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and moderate to severely active Crohn’s disease. The medication comes as a prefilled syringe and there are two different doses: 45 mg and 90 mg depending on your weight.
Preparing for your injection
- Keep your medication stored in the refrigerator until use
- Before injecting medication, take the prefilled syringe out of the refrigerator.
- Allow it to warm up to room temperature.
- Pick a place in your house that is clean and has room for your materials (such as the kitchen table).
- Wash your hands thoroughly with either:
- Soap & water
- Hand sanitizer
- Choose an area to inject – Thigh or Stomach.
- Choose an area that is intact and clear.
- It should not have any of the following:
- Cuts
- Scrapes
- Bruises
- Psoriasis patches
- If you have extensive psoriasis, inject between patches
- Moles
- Scars
- Please rotate area each time you inject (shown in picture below).
- Cleanse chosen area
- Cleanse chosen area with either of the following:
- Alcohol swab
- Alcohol and a cotton ball
- Use the chosen alcohol material to “swipe” area
- Can either use a circular motion or wipe in “strips”
- Allow the area to dry
- Cleanse chosen area with either of the following:
Injecting Stelara with a prefilled syringe
- Pull off the cap and observe the syringe to be sure that it is clear (no cloudiness or crystals)
- Pinch the skin around the injection site and enter at a 45-degree angle
- Press the plunger (slowly) to administer the medication
- Once the medication is fully administered, the plunger will reach the bottom and a spring will place a cover over the needle
After the injection
- Properly dispose of the entire prefilled syringe
- Sharps Container
- Can be purchased at your local pharmacy
- Disposal
- Hospitals may take full sharps containers, ask first.
- Pharmacies and Doctors’ offices are not allowed to take used syringes or needle
- Sharps Container
- Discard remaining materials in the trash (cap, alcohol swabs, etc.)
For more information regarding Stelara, please follow this link.
Jessica Farrell, PharmD. Clinical Pharmacist, The Center for Rheumatology/Associate Professor, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
With the help of Autumn Koniowka. Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate Class of 2018, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and Megan Phillips. Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate Class of 2018, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
A special thanks to Tammy Garren, PhD. Instructional Designer, Center for Innovative Learning, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
Injection site image: By British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Download this book for free at [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Medical Disclaimer
This information is offered to educate the general public. The information posted on this website does not replace professional medical advice, but for general information purposes only. There is no Doctor – Patient relationship established. We strongly advised you to speak with your medical professional if you have questions concerning your symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.